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About Darwin Shotokan Karate


Welcome to **Darwin Shotokan Karate**, where tradition meets discipline, and passion fuels excellence. Our dojo is more than a place to learn martial arts—it's a community that thrives on respect, perseverance, and personal growth.


Our Story


Founded by Sensei Nikolas Karpathios, our dojo has been a cornerstone of the Darwin community, brings decades of experience and wisdom to our training sessions. His commitment to preserving the essence of Shotokan karate resonates in every class.


What Sets Us Apart


- **Authenticity**: We follow the traditional teachings of Shotokan karate, emphasizing kihon (basics), kata (forms), and kumite (sparring).


- **Inclusive Environment**: Whether you're a beginner or an advanced practitioner, our dojo welcomes all ages and skill levels. We believe that everyone can benefit from the art of karate.


- **Community Bond**: Beyond physical techniques, we foster camaraderie and mutual respect among our members. Our dojo is a second home for many.


Our Training Philosophy


At **Darwin Shotokan Karate**, we focus on:


1. **Form and Precision**: Perfecting each movement ensures that our techniques are effective and powerful.


2. **Discipline**: Karate teaches not only physical strength but also mental fortitude. We instill discipline, focus, and perseverance in our students.


3. **Self-Defense**: Our practical self-defense techniques empower you to protect yourself and others in real-world situations.


Meet Our Instructors


Sensei Nick Karpathios


- 2nd-degree black belt

- Over 20 years of karate experience

- Passionate about passing on the legacy of Shotokan


### Sensei Erwan. G


- 5th-degree black belt

- Former national champion

- Dedicated to nurturing the next generation of karateka


## Join Our Family


Whether you're seeking fitness, self-confidence, or a sense of belonging, **Darwin Shotokan Karate** is here for you. Come visit our dojo, meet our instructors, and experience the spirit of karate firsthand.

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